25: No Ordinary Men by Elizabeth Sifton and Fritz Stern
Linny and Nancy discuss this biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his brother-in-law Hans von Dohnanyi. We trade stories about our early awareness of World War II and the lingering questions the war still poses for us today. How did this happen? Linda, especially, feels the story of the actions (or lack of action) of everyday Germans haunts her. Nancy can't help herself from talking about the history of the Lutheran Church during Nazi German and the entire Bonhoeffer family's opposition to Hitler. Nancy delves into the terrible price the Bonhoeffer family paid for their participation in the German Resistance. We also discuss the great moral dilemmas faced by those participating in the German Resistance. Linda hones in on Christine von Dohnanyi (Dietrich's sister and Hans' wife) and the terrible quandary she was faced with in wanting to keep her children safe and with her, while also wanting to help fight against Nazism. We talk about how the story of the German Resistance is not a simple story of good vs. evil. There were plenty of despicable people involved in the resistance because they felt Hitler had become an obstacle to ultimate Nazi victory. This is also the first anniversary of the podcast, so Linny and Nancy celebrate a great first year. Thanks so much to our listeners for joining us on this fun ride.