About Front Porch Book Club podcast
It’s time for a book break.
Our Goals and Vision
It can be hard to find time to read all the books you want.The Front Porch Book Club is a carefree, no-commitment way to hear about books you’ve heard of and those you haven’t. Decide for yourself whether you want to read the book, too.
We spend two 30-minute episodes on each book. In the first episode, you’ll hear our take on the book. In the second episode, we invite a guest to give us further insights. We especially love for the guest to be the author.
Want a 30 minute break that gives your head and your heart some nourishment? Join us on the front porch!
Who We Are
We are sisters. We have been talking to each other our entire lives! Nancy started out as the bookworm. Linda was more a people person. It was sometime after college when she was released from all her school reading that Linda realized she liked to read, too.
Nancy’s reading habits focus on classics, history, women’s fiction, literary fiction, and a few cozy mysteries thrown in. Linda likes fiction and is particularly drawn to period selections, romance, and suspense. We’ll cover those genres and more.
Our Story
Ever get a crazy idea and talk your unwitting sibling into it? That’s what happened to Linda one day as she was talking to Nancy on the phone. Nancy suggested they host a podcast together about books. Because Linda is an amazing and supportive sister, she said “Yes” immediately.
We’re not critics. We’re not broadcasters. Linda is a licensed counselor so she really loves talking about motivation and transformation. Nancy is a recovering academic and writer, so she likes talking about plot and characters. We often gain new insights talking with each other and look forward to hearing from you, too!
Meet The Hosts

Linda Culbertson
Linda Culbertson works as a Licensed Professional Counselor and
Licensed Behavioral Specialist in Pennsylvania. Prior to this, she has
a background in human services working with teenagers on welfare to
gain education, skills, and employment making their lives better for
themselves and their children and working with victims of domestic
violence including children as they work through the trauma and
establish new safe and fulfilling lives. Her passion is to assist
people in overcoming challenges to reach their goals and become
healthy and happy, and live fulfilling lives.
Linda earned her Master’s Degree in Counselor Education: Community
Mental Health Track at McDaniel College in Westminster, Maryland. She
is married and is the mother of one son who lives in Colorado. She
loves volunteering with the American Red Cross in disaster relief
providing mental health support in her local areas as well as
deploying to disaster areas in other areas of our country. Linda is
actively involved with her church and Sunday school class. She loves
pickleball and likes to be an “extra” in film projects.

Nancy Shank
Nancy is a writer whose work explores the how societal changes impact life decisions. Nancy’s first full-length play, This Mortal Life Also, dramatizes the true story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer a theologian and pacifist in World War II Germany. Nancy is now at work on a contemporary novel based in the United States the explores notions of community.
Nancy spent almost 30 years in academia where her research interests included public policy, community development, information technology, and water resources. She has published numerous scholarly articles in peer-reviewed journals. Nancy earned a PhD in Human Sciences and an MBA from the University of Nebraska (Lincoln, NE), and a Bachelor’s degree in Urban and Regional Planning from Bloomsburg University of Pennsylvania (Bloomsburg, PA).
Nancy is married and the mother of a son who is at the University of Colorado working on a PhD in Physics. She is a member of: Dramatists Guild (New York, NY), New Play Exchange, Playwrights’ Center (Minneapolis, MN), and Playwrights Collective (Lincoln, NE). Visit Nancy’s website: nancyshank.com.
Are you sisters?
We are! Linny is 1 year and 5 months older than baby Nancy.
How do you select the books you feature?
They are books that one of us has read and think the other would enjoy, too.
How do let you know about a book I think you should review?
Just use the Contact forms on this website. We do read every note we get.
Do you actually read the books you review?
Yes we do!
Are your episodes also on YouTube?
Yes! We’ve added YouTube to our podcasting outlets. Our handle is @frontporchbookclubpodcast.
Who's older?
Linda is older by 18 months!
Do you have other hobbies?
When not trying to improve her tennis game, Nancy loves creative outlets like sewing, woodworking, and gardening. When not playing pickleball, Linny loves Calcudoku, painting and crafting, and trips to the beach.